Exclusive Sneakpeaks!!!

Hey all.Bill's here , I'll be posting a very exclusive sneakpeak.Next Friday , Multiplayer Fun Place is having a jungle theme :O weird , huh? as you know I'm the tester so I know alot of sneakpeaks :D but I wont be able to test these.I am travelling tommorow to Dubai. Here's a sneakpeak of the jungle theme


Next up , there will be a new server screen soon.

That's all for now.

~Bill , MFP tester.


Hello users of MFP , Bill is here.I am a new author on this awesome blog!! I'm here posting some sneakpeaks for new upcoming items coming soon , these items are clothes for non - members and two pets for members.
First , lets start with clothes.Here is a dress for girls :-

Here is a cup cake (Yum!) t-shirt

Here is the last T-shirt.Orange striped t-shirt.

Now for pets :-
Here is a dog pet (members only) coming out soon!

Xtreme is a test account for staff. and Here is a cat pet coming out soon!

I hope you like them alot!! :) really they are awesome , and thanks to Smile for letting me take a picture of the cat :)
~Bill , tester of MFP.

Bill on land!

Hello users of MFP.Bill's right here.I am the main tester for Multiplayer Fun Place.I will be posting all sneakpeaks . updates and cheats.
I hope your happy that I will work for this blog.
~Bill , MFP tester.

MFP is Back - And Launched!

Hey Everybody!

MFP is back with alot of new stuff -and we are officially out of beta!

We are giving away codes and throwing parties ALL week! Check it out:

There are 2 free items, which you can get by clicking where the yellow boxes are.
  • 1 year anniversary hat.
  • Blue balloon.
That's all for now, make sure to log on to Multiplayer Fun Place and get your free items!


Upcoming Items

Hey guys,

Check out these upcoming items:
Cool eh?


Underwater Room Released!

Hey Everybody!

The MFP Staff have released a new room, which you can get to via the forest.

It's an underwater room:

I like it, what do you guys think? Water bubbles also go up while your in the room, it's pretty cool.

Also, have you checked out the new Bat Wings and new Angel Wings?


Possible Wing Item!

Hey Everybody!

I have another sneak peak for all of you - a 'wing' item.

Wow! Smoochict said they will be for sale in less then a couple of hours... I can't wait!

That's all for now.


New MFP Item!

Hey Everybody!

Long time no see! MFPCheats.com is back and ready to post the updates; We haven't been posting much because there hasn't been many updates.

Anyway, there were updates today! A new item was released in the catalog - a black hat!

The Black Hat costs 1,000 coins. You can find it in the shop.

That's all!


MFP Shop Sneak Peak and Items Sneak Peak

Hey Everybody.

I have a few sneak peaks, some were even able to see it in game like me!

The Shop Sneak Peak:

Wow! And here is what the Catalog looked like:

Wow, that's pretty cool. They might be released soon... who knows?

I am also planning a MFP Party! Details coming soon!


New MFP Minigame!

Hey Everybody!

Today the first, and newest minigame was released on MFP!

"Catch The Circle". To play click on the "Mini" on the bottom bar, and then click "Catch The Circle".

To Play, you have to click on as many balls falling as you can, you get 100 points per ball clicked.

That's a pretty cool game! What's your top score? Leave a comment!


New Rares and Sneak Peak!

Hey Everybody!

Today more rare, buy-able things were released!

First off, you can get a colored chat bubble:

That's pretty cool! I bought one. :-).

There are also 2 new rare shirts:

I haven't bought those yet, but I probably will in the future!

Which rares have you bought? Leave a comment!

Zoo also gave us a awesome sneak peak:

I think some new pets are coming, and that they are going to be Pigs!

That's all for now,

New - The Rare Collection!

Hey Everybody!

There is a big new feature on MFP!

You can buy (with real money) some new, super cool items!

You can see which ones are up for grabs by clicking on the red "C".

After you click it, a list comes up:


They look like this when you are wearing them:

Wow! Pay-to-buy will help for the server costs of MFP!

I might buy one, will you?


New Feature - Item Rain!

Hey Everybody!

It's been a bit since the last updates, but some new ones are finally here!

It also rains items, and you can click-to-get the item!

That's all for now!


New Volcano Room and Item!

Hey Everybody.

Today, a new room and item was released on MFP.

It's the side of a volcano! You can even see lava poring down.

Above is the new item, it is found in the new volcano room, and it says "I Love [Picture of Volcano".

That's pretty cool, don't you think?


Easter Bunny Hat!

Hey Everybody.

In order to celebrate Easter, MFP Staff have put in a new hat.

It is a Easter Bunny Ears Hat!

It is located in the Easter Room, get yours before it leaves!

In other news, you can now visit this blog by going to: http://mfpcheats.com!

Free Jacket Item!

Hey Everybody.

Sorry about not posting the Easter Updates, I have been busy.

There is a free jacket available, who knows when it could go away!

It's a pretty cool jacket, designed by iiitttaa.

Also another sneak peak that iiitttaa was wearing:

That's all for now!

MFP Easter Egg Hunt

Hey Everybody.

Today there is alot of new updates, again!

First off, there are new chat bubbles and no more name tags.

I like it, and the glitch where you can't ever see chat, is pretty much gone, it only happens once and awhile.

Next, there is a easter egg hunt!

Collect all 5 eggs and you get the Bunny Mask!

Pretty Cool! I won't give out the locations, I want to make it all fun for you guys!

And last, we have a sneak peak Chulu gave us.

Item Sneak Peaks!

Hey Everybody!

I have some Item Sneak Peaks to show you.

Party Hat:


Elf Hat:

And a new feature coming to MFP soon... Faces?

Chris also won this ninja mask... pretty cool?

That's all for now! I can't wait for all these new items to be released.

New Beta Hat

Hey Everybody.

There are newly-designed Beta Hats, which can be found in the tea/hotel room.

They are pretty cool! Get yours today!

That's all for now.

Beta Item!

Hey Everybody.

There is a new item on MFP! It's the beta item!

Update: Smooch fixed the behind-your-head hat glitch.

You can find it at the Forest. If you don't see it, try clearing your cache.

That's all for now!

Inventory System Test & Easter Shirt!

Hey Everybody!

There is now a inventory system on MFP.

Pretty cool, I think! I can't wait to see more items.

There is also a Easter shirt:

And guess what? It was designed by me. (Yes, I stink at designing clothing but Smooch needed it badly. :P.)

I hope you like the latest updates!


Registration Sneak Peak

Hey Everybody!

I have a sneak peak to show everyone!

I can't wait to see how it all turns out!

That's all for now everyone.

Multiplayer Fun Place Bot!

Hey Everybody!

There is now a bot on MFP! You can visit him at the Forest.

MFP_Bot even talks, but doesn't really understand anything you say.

That's all for now!

New MFP Newspaper!

Hey Everybody!

Today, a new newspaper on Multiplayer Fun Place was released.

That's the new newspaper!

That's all for now.


Welcome to Geek's Multiplayer Fun Place Cheats!

I will post all kinds of Multiplayer Fun Place Cheats, news, glitches, info, help and more.

If you want to meet on Multiplayer Fun Place sometime, leave a comment and I will try to get back to you.

That's all for now,