Exclusive Sneakpeaks!!!

Hey all.Bill's here , I'll be posting a very exclusive sneakpeak.Next Friday , Multiplayer Fun Place is having a jungle theme :O weird , huh? as you know I'm the tester so I know alot of sneakpeaks :D but I wont be able to test these.I am travelling tommorow to Dubai. Here's a sneakpeak of the jungle theme


Next up , there will be a new server screen soon.

That's all for now.

~Bill , MFP tester.


Hello users of MFP , Bill is here.I am a new author on this awesome blog!! I'm here posting some sneakpeaks for new upcoming items coming soon , these items are clothes for non - members and two pets for members.
First , lets start with clothes.Here is a dress for girls :-

Here is a cup cake (Yum!) t-shirt

Here is the last T-shirt.Orange striped t-shirt.

Now for pets :-
Here is a dog pet (members only) coming out soon!

Xtreme is a test account for staff. and Here is a cat pet coming out soon!

I hope you like them alot!! :) really they are awesome , and thanks to Smile for letting me take a picture of the cat :)
~Bill , tester of MFP.

Bill on land!

Hello users of MFP.Bill's right here.I am the main tester for Multiplayer Fun Place.I will be posting all sneakpeaks . updates and cheats.
I hope your happy that I will work for this blog.
~Bill , MFP tester.