MFP Easter Egg Hunt

Hey Everybody.

Today there is alot of new updates, again!

First off, there are new chat bubbles and no more name tags.

I like it, and the glitch where you can't ever see chat, is pretty much gone, it only happens once and awhile.

Next, there is a easter egg hunt!

Collect all 5 eggs and you get the Bunny Mask!

Pretty Cool! I won't give out the locations, I want to make it all fun for you guys!

And last, we have a sneak peak Chulu gave us.

Item Sneak Peaks!

Hey Everybody!

I have some Item Sneak Peaks to show you.

Party Hat:


Elf Hat:

And a new feature coming to MFP soon... Faces?

Chris also won this ninja mask... pretty cool?

That's all for now! I can't wait for all these new items to be released.

New Beta Hat

Hey Everybody.

There are newly-designed Beta Hats, which can be found in the tea/hotel room.

They are pretty cool! Get yours today!

That's all for now.

Beta Item!

Hey Everybody.

There is a new item on MFP! It's the beta item!

Update: Smooch fixed the behind-your-head hat glitch.

You can find it at the Forest. If you don't see it, try clearing your cache.

That's all for now!

Inventory System Test & Easter Shirt!

Hey Everybody!

There is now a inventory system on MFP.

Pretty cool, I think! I can't wait to see more items.

There is also a Easter shirt:

And guess what? It was designed by me. (Yes, I stink at designing clothing but Smooch needed it badly. :P.)

I hope you like the latest updates!


Registration Sneak Peak

Hey Everybody!

I have a sneak peak to show everyone!

I can't wait to see how it all turns out!

That's all for now everyone.

Multiplayer Fun Place Bot!

Hey Everybody!

There is now a bot on MFP! You can visit him at the Forest.

MFP_Bot even talks, but doesn't really understand anything you say.

That's all for now!

New MFP Newspaper!

Hey Everybody!

Today, a new newspaper on Multiplayer Fun Place was released.

That's the new newspaper!

That's all for now.


Welcome to Geek's Multiplayer Fun Place Cheats!

I will post all kinds of Multiplayer Fun Place Cheats, news, glitches, info, help and more.

If you want to meet on Multiplayer Fun Place sometime, leave a comment and I will try to get back to you.

That's all for now,